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Why Think and Drink?

Tiffany Salcido

Think and Drink was born for me during the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lock downs. Prior to the pandemic, I was a traveling instructor and I spent most of my time on the road, facilitating workshops and classes for professionals. I got to have robust discussions about topics I was passionate about, like leadership, personal growth and accountability, and how to be more effective in the workplace. From one day to the next, I lost my venue for these discussions. I did, however, get more time to read and learn, so I capitalized on that free time. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. I needed to think out loud. I needed perspective and to hear about shared experiences with others. I was slowly losing my mind!

At the same time, I picked up another pandemic habit, and that was sitting in my backyard and having a good, stiff drink, or a delicious, ice-cold beer. My husband, who was an essential worker, still went to work every day. He was a manager of a production plant and on Sundays, we would hang out, and enjoy our adult beverages together. One day, I pulled out the book I was currently reading, and I held him hostage and made him talk about it with me and apply it to how he was leading in this unprecedented period. And thus, the Think and Drink was born. It became a weekend tradition, where we would discuss whatever new thing I was learning, and he would think about how to apply it to his work, and we married our two loves - Thinking and Drinking. We both learned a lot, and it was a fun way to connect and maintain our sanity during a difficult time. It became a tradition, and something we both enjoyed and a tradition I want to keep alive.

Be on the lookout for some future Think and Drinks! Starting Fridays in August 2023, I will be posting a thought or a learning opportunity so we can think, and I'll be suggesting an adult beverage you may enjoy with it. If you don't drink, that's okay too! See you soon!

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